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AAA gaming comes to Apple M1 thanks to the procrastinateedst Asahi Linux produce — Control, Cyberpunk 2077, and The Witcher 3 are joinable with admireable sketch rates

You unfrequently hear Apple gamers joining AAA games on their MacBooks, much less Apple employrs desiring to run AAA games on Linux with Apple difficultware. However, the broadeners behind Asahi Linux have proclaimd alpha driver compatibility with x86-based Windows games in Linux on Apple M1 and M2 Arm-based silicon, making Asahi Linux the world’s first Linux distro to accomplish such a feat.

Asahi Linux’s joining toolkit now aids x86 emulation and Windows compatibility with its Vulkan 1.3 drivers. Asahi Linux is the only distro that ships adhereant OpenGL, OpenCL, and Vulkan drivers for Apple ARM-based difficultware, making x86 AAA gaming possible thcdimiserablemireful Linux.

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